Thursday, October 31, 2019

Book Report ( The coming of Dragons by A.J.Lake) Essay

Book Report ( The coming of Dragons by A.J.Lake) - Essay Example It is on the ship that the children meet and become friends. While sailing on the ship, a mysterious appears in the sky and the ship is destroyed. All abroad it are lost and only the children survive. Relying on one another and their own wit, the children finally make it to shore. There they meet a mysterious old hermit who tells them some very strange tales. Elspeth and Edmund do not understand much of what the mystical and mysterious hermit tells them but soon discover that they have been given the responsibility of saving the world. Throughout their quest to save the world, Elspeth and Edmund come across many strange characters. Some of them are extremely sinister and quite frightening. However, they manage to survive and move from one stage of their adventure to another because of their courage, their wit and the magical powers they have been given. Edmund suddenly discovers that he can enter into the mind of the dragon and of people, and listen to all their thoughts. Elspeth finds a magical sword attached to her arm and which appears and disappears as needed. The adventures which the two characters experience in their quest to save the world are exciting and encourage readers to keep turning the pages of the book. The two main characters play an equally important role in keeping readers riveted. Despite their age and their inexperience, they manage to overcome the fears and courageously face their responsibility of saving the world. Elspeth and Edmund are courageous, intelligent and, above all, don’t rush into things blindly but wisely think over their every move. Besides making a good Christmas gift, The Coming of the Dragon has many lessons for its readers. It teaches courage, the importance of persistence and how, by facing your fears, you can overcome them. However, the most important lesson it teaches is responsibility. Edmund and Elspeth are given a responsibility which seems much greater than their

Monday, October 28, 2019

Health Care Reform Essay Example for Free

Health Care Reform Essay Health Care Reforms The affordable care act came in to effect on March 2010. It is a four years plan that will affect the delivery of care to the 250 million Americans. (Swanton, 2012). The Affordable Care Act includes numerous provisions to support millions of Americans to keep the Health care costs low, promote preventive care such as colonoscopies and mammogram, and other services readily available to promote prevention of the disease and hold insurance companies accountable for the safe delivery. (Hill, 2012). The health care reform act intended to make the health care more affordable for all and make health care more safe. There were several aspects of the health care system that the reform would impact such as the employer to provide health insurances to their employees, health coverage for adult children by the protected by the parents insurance. And the reimbursement to the hospitals based on the quality of service provided rather than the quantity of the service. Goals of the reform The health reform also known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), of 2010 will have a profound influence on health care in the United States. A major goal of the Act is to improve access to affordable, quality health care. In the year 2007, the health care statistics showed that there was increase in the ineffective care provided to the patients which consumed vast majority of the health care funds (Hills, 2010). The insurance companies also dictate the care for the patients and denied care for those who had preexisting health conditions, or provided health care at a very high cost. There was a great need for the reform in the health care system. The three main goals of the PPACA are, (1) expand access to health insurance coverage, (2) improve affordability and sustainability for those who have health care insurance, and (3) control the rising costs of health care while improving quality (Cutler, 2010).Based on these goals, the health care providers, the insurance companies, the patients and the system itself will be affected. An important element in achieving this goal will be to learn from patients experiences and build the foundations for personalized care for the patients. (Hill, 2010). Cutler (2010) states, the initiative will require, â€Å"partnership among researchers, clinicians, policy makers and regulators, and patients to design an  integrated information network system that will be the basis for providing the right treatment for the right patient in the right place at the right time (p.45). Thus with health care reform goals is to provide high quality of personalized care to the patient. Reference Cutler, W. (2010). Thinking outside the pillbox—medication adherence as a priority for health care reform. New England Journal of Medicine, 362(17), 1553-1555. Orszag, P. (2010). Health care reform and cost control. New England Journal of Medicine, 363(7), 601-603. Hill, B. J. (2012). What is the meaning of health? Constitutional implications of defining medical necessity and essential health benefits under the affordable care act. American Journal of Law and Medicine, 38(2), 445-70. Retrieved from

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Examining The Friendship Of A Single Soul English Literature Essay

Examining The Friendship Of A Single Soul English Literature Essay To the query, what is a friend? Aristotles response was a single soul dwelling in two bodies.' These friends are the ones who most likely know us better than we know ourselves, and whose names are forever branded on our heart (Parrott Parrott, 1998). Consider for a moment, which of these people are in your life; your friendship with them didnt happen in the blink of an eye. Over time we gradually begin to let these people see who we really are, and our friendship begins to grow into something memorable. Friends are what have enriched my life. Oh, I have loved my family, but its not the same. Friends have brought me more of the world; theyve added spice and variety (Apter Josselson, 1998). We are born into our family, but one amazing thing about our life is that we have the ability to choose our friends. There are some common characteristics that span across all types of friendships: rules shape the friendship, can last a lifetime and typically consist of people in the same age rang e (Floyd, 2009). How are cross-sex friendships similar to same-sex friendships? How are they different? Using major motion pictures that depict this remarkable bond between friends, we realize the qualities these friendships possess that make them similar and yet how different they really are. Similarities Notice that when Aristotle was asked, what is a friend? he didnt respond a single soul dwelling in two female bodies, or two male bodies, or even a male and a female body, its a single soul in two bodies. Friendship has no limits; there is no rule that says we can or cannot have friends of the same or opposite sex. Regardless of how many friends we have, same-sex or cross-sex, they all share the same purpose. Each and every relationship provides comfort during difficult times, outlets for expression of fear, feelings and fantasies, companionship, acceptance, and greater self-knowledge (Monsour, 2002). In the movie The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Bridget, Tibby, Lena, and Carmen define friendship as it occurs between girls/women. We were there for the things we couldnt face alone, or the ones we didnt want to face at all. Together, it was as if we formed one single, complete person (Ephron Brashares, 2005). Despite the obstacles that the girls face, their love and support for each other keeps their friendship strong. We know now that no matter how far we traveled on our own separate paths, somehow we would always find our way back to each other; and with that, we could get through anything. To us, who we were, who we are, and who well be. To the sisterhood, this moment, and the rest of our lives together and apart (Ephron Brashares, 2005). Although the girls have their own obstacles to deal with, they overcome them individually because of the unique bond that is their friendship. Likewise, the movie 8 Seconds tells the incredible true story of World Champion Bull Rider Lane Frost. The film not only documents Lanes rise to fame, but also displays Lanes friendship with fellow bull riders, Tuff Hedeman and Cody Lambert. Some people believe that men are incapable of having intimate friendships like women with other men (Derlega, 1992). Floyd (2009) states that equal levels of closeness are apparent in same-sex friendships regardless of sex. While doing an interview with George Michael, Lane says this about friend and fellow rider, Tuff Hedeman: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦me and my traveling partner Tuff Hedeman have been trading places all year. Sometimes hes in first, next week Im in first. If he wins, Ill be so happy for him, Ill forget about myself losing (Merrick, 1994). Lane, Tuff, and Cody arent just traveling buddies; they support each other no matter what, despite the fact that they compete against each other. After Lanes tragic death in 1989, Tuff realized how much Lane believed in him, and how amazing the friendship truly was. Back in the spring, Lane said, this is your year. that Id win the championship; [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] now its only a week away and I really think that I got a chance. I never had anybody believe that much in me (Merrick, 1994). Tuff Hedeman won the World Championship that year, just as Lane had predicted, and Tuff rode an extra eight seconds in memory of Lane. Harry Burns and Sally Albright are two iconic best friends. Harry: The first time we met, we hated each other [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] the third time we met, we became friends. Sally: We were friends for a long time (Ephron N. , 1989). Can men and women be friends, without sex getting in the way? This question was presented in the 1989 movie, When Harry Met Sally. Despite the fact that Harry and Sally end up together at the conclusion of the film, the friendship they have is more than that of any ordinary couple involved in a sexual relationship. Making a cross-gender relationship work does not solely depend on recognizing our differences. Its a matter of appreciating those differences as well (Parrott Parrott, 1998). Harry and Sally have a friendship very similar to what two women or two men might have; they are each others confidantes, support systems, and are committed to making their friendship work. After looking at three different films depicting friendships, the similarities between same-sex (female), same-sex (male), and cross-sex friendships become apparent. The social support given by same-sex friends can also be observed in cross-sex friendships (Monsour, 2002). Samuel Taylor Coleridge said, friendship is a sheltering tree, regardless of sex, it is obvious that all of these friendships are exactly that; a sheltering tree for everyone involved in the friendship. Differences We cant just look at the similarities between friendships, because lets face it, men and women are very different. The basic rules of friendship are similar, but the way we go about accomplishing them isnt always the same. Migliaccio (2009) says that a mans friendship is more than simply a product of being a man [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] the form of intimacy men experience is called closeness in the doing, also known as shared activity. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦women and men value different aspects of their respective friendships, women place greater emphasis on conversational and emotional expressiveness, whereas mens friendships focus on shared activities and interests (Floyd, 2009). A stereotypical girls night might consist of dinner, some drinks, and conversations about friends, love, life, and the future. On the other hand, a guys night could be a game of poker or a night at the gym playing a pick-up game of basketball. Within female friendship we satisfy our psychological hunger to explore different thoughts and feelings [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] they build one anothers confidence or tear it down (Apter Josselson, 1998). Despite having to spend the summer away from each other, the girls in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants keep their friendship strong by writing letters to each other as if they were still together. In a letter that Lena writes Carmen, she expresses how afraid she actually is to fall in love. Hes right, Car. I am afraid. Theres a part of me that wants to let him in but then I feel myself put this wall up and I dont understand why. Maybe thats what strikes me most about Kostas: that despite everything hes suffered he can still look at life in the most uncomplicated way. Ive never known that kind of faith. It makes me so sad that people like Kostas and Bridget who have lost everything can still be open to lovewhile I, who have lost nothing, am not. (Ephron Brashares, 2005) Bridget, Tibby, Lena, and Carmen are able to express their emotions, fears, and feelings through a letter and a pair of secondhand jeans. Wear them, theyll make you brave (Ephron Brashares, 2005). The psychological hunger to examine ones ambitions, and emotions is satisfied by female friendships, there is no need to perform femininity such as men perform masculinity in their friendships. A womans friendship inevitably shapes and changes who the woman is (Apter Josselson, 1998). Unlike women, men stereotypically dont share all the intimate details that go on in their lives. As stated earlier, men generally emphasize the activities and interests they share with their friends. Lane Frost, Tuff Hedeman, and Cody Lambert, obviously have a friendship consisting of shared activity. First of all, they compete together in bull riding competitions; and when they arent, they spend their nights out at the bars shooting a game of pool. Although the guys still support each other, the emotional connection that typically is apparent with women is sometimes nonexistent. After a bull steps on Lanes groin, Tuff tells Lane he needs to cowboy up, Ive got two words for you Lane, Cowboy Up (Merrick, 1994). The idea that masculinity is a major part in friendships between two or more men is evident in 8 Seconds. The interaction between male friends is not simply because we are men, but a part of performing masculinity in society (Migliaccio, 2009). Lane, Tuff, and Cody, perform mas culinity by expressing boldness, strength, and resiliency. Its guts and love and glory, one mortals chance at fame. His legacy is rodeo, and cowboy is his name (Merrick, 1994). When Harry met Sally, a life long friendship began. The obvious difference in their friendship was the exact thing Sally denied sex, and eventually love. At the end of the film, Harry races to meet Sally in order to tell her exactly how he feels: I love that you get cold when its 71 degrees out. I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when youre looking at me like Im nuts. I love that after I spend the day with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes. And I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night (Ephron N. , 1989). One substantial difference between same-sex friends and cross-sex friends is the possibility for two cross-sex friends to fall in love. Another is that cross-sex friends are able to encourage the opposite sex friend to engage in opportunities that are usually associated with the opposed gender; such as men engaging in emotional expressions and women participating in shared activity (Floyd, 2009). Conclusion Quoting Frederick Buechner, Friends are people you make part of your life just because you feel like it. Basically your friends are not your friends for any particular reason. They are your friends for no particular reason. No one has the power to choose our friends except us, therefore it doesnt matter what sex our friends are. After viewing three movies where different types of friendships are exhibited, the similarities and differences between each type of friendship is very distinct. These distinct qualities that make our friendships alike or not, have the power to change the roles of our friends. Who are your best friends? Does it matter what their sex is?

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Self-Control and the ‘Self’ Essay -- Psychology

Nearly everyone in the modern world has heard of the term self-control, a seemingly non-important or uninteresting topic of interest. However, self-control has been related to having one of the most significant impacts on a person. Even some have gone as far to say that self-control is the â€Å"biggest predictor of a successful and satisfying life† (Pinker 1), which are bold words for a topic that many merely disregard. The idea of self-control is a concept coined in the Victorian era, and appears immensely throughout the novel, Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength, written by R.F. Baumeister & J. Tierney. Essentially a self-help book, ‘Willpower’ provides explanations for why humans are doing the things that they do, and why people aren’t always as virtuous as they may be expected to be. Self-control affects many facets of a person’s life, and by looking at how it is presented in psychology, and in Baumeister and Tierney’s n ovel, Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength, one will see the correlations and differences between modern research and historical perspectives on the idea of self-control, and ultimately decide if the idea of self-control is an inherent trait or a learned condition. Self-control is a topic and concept argued frequently in the psychological world. Some believe that self-control is an innate feature of human kind, while others, like Baumeister, believe it is a characteristic that can be practiced and strengthened. Baumeister’s model of willpower describes self-control as a muscle that can be depleted and replenished, just as any other muscle in the body. What is self-control exactly? Well, Freud was a psychologist who believed that personality is a biological component of ones-self,... ...Virtue, Personality, and Social Relations: Self-Control as the Moral Muscle." Journal of Personality 67.6 (1999): 1165-194. Print. Davis, Doug. "A Glossary of Freudian Terminology." A Freud Glossary. Web. 3 Apr. 2012. . Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster. Web. 17 Apr. 2012. . Pinker, Steven. "The Sugary Secret of Self-Control." NY Times. Sept.-Oct. 2011. Web. 4 Mar. 2012. "The Science of Self-Control [Paperback]." The Science of Self-Control (9780674013575): Howard Rachlin: Books. Web. 17 Apr. 2012. . "Self Control in Society, Mind, and Brain." Alibris. Web. 17 Apr. 2012. .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Chocolate Research Paper

WOMEN STUDIES ECO-FOOTPRINT PROJECT Topic – Cocoa Beans Production Process Chocolate is a key ingredient in many foods such as milk shakes, candy bars, cookies and cereals. It is ranked as one of the most favourite flavours in North America and Europe. Despite its popularity most people do not know the unique origin of this popular treat. Chocolate is a product that requires complex procedures to produce. The process involves harvesting cocoa, refining coca to cocoa beans, and shipping the cocoa beans to the manufacturing factory for cleaning, coaching and grinding.These cocoa beans will then be imported or exported to other countries and be transformed into different types of chocolate products. Cocoa beans grow in countries like Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Indonesia, Brazil, Nigeria, Cameroon, and Malaysia, but the highest cocoa producing country is Cote d'Ivoire. The production process of cocoa beans include: first, cocoa is harvested manually. The seed pods of cocoa are collecte d and the beans are selected and placed in piles. These cocoa beans are then ready to be shipped to the manufacturer for production.Cocoa grows in pods that sprout off the trunks and branches of cocoa trees. The pods have the shape and almost the size of football. The pods start out green and turn orange when they are ripe. When the pods are ripe they are harvested gently with machetes. Machines can damage the trees or the clusters of flowers and pods that grow on the trunk, so workers have to harvest the pods by hand, using short, hooked blades mounted on long poles to reach the highest fruit. The cocoa seeds then undergo a process of fermentation by placing them in large, shallow, heated trays or by covering them with large banana leaves.If the climate is right, they may be simply heated by the sun. Workers mostly women come along periodically and stir them up so that all of the beans come out equally fermented. This process may take up to five or eight days. After fermentation, t he cocoa seeds are dried before they can be scooped into sacks and shipped to chocolate manufacturers. Farmers simply spread the fermented seeds on trays and leave them in the sun to dry. The drying process usually takes about a week and results in seeds becoming reduced to about half of their original weight.During the production process, labor is not equally divided between men and women who work in the planation; this brings us to the issue of gender division. The gender divide that exists on the cocoa plantation is that most farm work is conducted by men, although most certainly there are tasks where women are very active, such as scooping the beans from the already opened husks, turning the beans during the fermentation and drying process, and sewing the jute sacs needed for the packaging of the dried beans. Women in the farms normally tend to the needs of the family.When female labor is hired during the harvesting time the wages given to them are not the same as those for men. Perhaps another reason why men are preferred is because of their assumed higher productivity rate compared to that of women. Due to different practices followed in individual regions, even within countries, the participation of women and their assigned tasks vary enormously. For instance, because of the popular method of sun drying cocoa beans in Ecuador, it is necessary to â€Å"clean† the beans. This job is mostly undertaken by women.This is not the case in Ghana or Brazil where sun drying is accomplished while protecting the beans from foreign matters and waste. It is interesting to note however that there is no specific pattern for the assignment of tasks to women, except during the harvest when the scooping of the beans from the opened pods is primarily performed by women in most cocoa producing countries. Given the great differences in the systems of production in producing countries it is difficult to find a common percentage that reflects the average participation of the female work force.It is worth mentioning that unlike the coffee agricultural sector, there are no associations or specific groups that house ‘women only’ involved in the cocoa sector at any level, although all associations and cooperatives are open to all who qualify. Due to fluctuation of cocoa prices in the world market, farmers have no long-term security, and in some situations, they do not have enough funds to support their farming business.Cocoa farmers are always faced with financial hardship; they are not able to provide for their families as they would want nor have enough funds to start up their own farming business because they only receive a fraction of the proceeds from the selling of the beans on the world market and there are many people in the trading chain. Cocoa farmers around the world face many challenges. It is estimated that about one-third of global cocoa crops are destroyed by pests and diseases every year. Many cocoa farmers have limited acc ess to the latest agricultural technologies or methods of cultivation and few of them ave business backgrounds to help them effectively market their products and manage their operations. Many of the farming communities live in poverty and are infected with diseases. Industry groups, governments and consumers worldwide have raised concerns about the use of pesticides and child labor on West African cocoa farms. An interview conducted by Christophe Koffi showed that one major problem that women in cocoa production encounter is the lack the of financial capability or backing due to the fact that most of these women find themselves in a male dominated occupation.It is very difficult for them to secure financial aid or loans to manage their farms. For instance, â€Å"Women cannot inherit or even create a cocoa plantation under our patriarch-dominated tradition,† said Vanie, criticising what she called a â€Å"backwards and misogynist† practice† (Koffi, 2008) because w e still live in a patriarchal dominated society where women do not have the right to own lands and properties. This paper further talks about the sustanability in the production process of cocoa.We will be looking at Lindt& Sprungli’s which is a family company and a major producer of chocolate and other cocoa products with a headquaters in Kilchberg, Switzerland. Lindt & Sprungli is one of the few chocolate makers that have complete control over every step of the production chain starting with the precise selection of the finest cocoa varieties from the best growing areas in the world right on through the careful and expert processing until ending with the elegant packaging.Lindt gets its cocoa beans mostly from Ghana and Central and South America. Lindt has been very conservative in the amount of energy its invests in the chocolate production process. Each existing and future facility and investment undergoes very detailed analysis to determine how much energy can be saved. Through better insulation and energy recovery, Lindt & Sprungli was able to cut down on energy consumption by more than 13% per ton produced between 2004 and 2010.The company intends to continue reducing the energy consumption rate per ton produced by an average over the coming years. According to the Lindt publication, The company’s efforts: since 1999, Lindt & Sprungli’s Swiss subsidiary, Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprungli (Schweiz) AG, has been an active member of the Lake Zurich Energy Model Group†¦The Swiss government and independent engineers have audited the progress and as a result, the Swiss subsidiary has been granted the official certificate. Kilchberg, 2012) Since 2007, Lindt & Sprungli under water conservation has been participating in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)†¦Since then, the measurements of water emissions and energy consumption have been largely based on the concept of the ‘Methodology Fossil Fuels’ set out in the CDP P rotocol†¦Waste water, Lindt & Sprungli continuously monitors and analyses the use of water and the output of wastewater in the production process and intends to further reduce the use of fresh water in this process, which, in turn will impact the output of wastewater (Kilchberg, 2012) The major people that benefit from cocoa production are mostly the big corporations. The corporations exploit cocoa farmers in the sense that they do not pay them the true worth of their labour. Women who work on the farms are underpaid and marginalized. There is also the issue of child labor where children of school going age are forced to work on the farms instead of going to school thereby denying them the right to education. The big corporations are not forth coming in releasing information as to how and where they get their cocoa beans from.Most of these African countries where these big corporations get their raw materials from do not have access to good roads, health care facilities, school s, electricity, and there is poverty in most of the communities. These big corporations buy the cocoa beans at a very cheap rate and then import them to the western society and the refined product is processed into different kinds of chocolates (e. g. chocolate drink, chocolate bars of different shapes and sizes and chocolate candies etc. ) which are sold consumers at exorbitant prices considering the price at which the cocoa beans are bought from the cocoa farmers. This explains how capitalism and big corporation exploit cheap labour. Almost everyone enjoys a bit of chocolate every now and again. But if you take a closer look at how cocoa is produced, it may well leave a bitter taste in your mouth.The conditions under which the cocoa farmers in many producer countries live and work are worrying: Despite the fact that cocoa is usually their main source of income, the families struggle to make a living from it. Child labour is not uncommon. As consumers we can work with NGOs to find means of helping the farmers to adapt to new systems of cocoa farming that result higher yields, under socially more acceptable and environmentally friendly conditions, to meet market demands and hence ensure a stable flow income. As a major part of the global cocoa industry which has remained inactive and invisible for so long, consumers of chocolate can demonstrate that they want slavery in the cocoa sector stamped out, and your pressure can highlight their lack of commitment and make them more accountable.Finally all cocoa products, including chocolate, run the risk of being tainted by child labour and slavery. To achieve a satisfactory standard of ethical production in chocolate consumers must help to ensure that companies commit to credible and sufficient actions against such things as use of child labour and the exploitation of cocoa farmers and not make false and unsustainable promises to consumers of being â€Å"slavery- free†. The consumers can liaise with government bodies and NGOs to negotiate fair prices for the purchase of cocoa products and this will in turn help the farmers to gain access to basic social amenities of life. Reference Page Archer, D. (2012).ADM’s commitment to sustainable cocoa. Milwaukee: Copyright 2012 Archer Daniels Midland Company . Clarkson, T. (1998). Anti-slavery. Retrieved November 15, 2012, from www. antislavery. org: http://www. antislavery. org/english/privacy_policy. aspx Kilchberg. (2012, April 22). The environment in the Production Process. Retrieved November 13, 2012, from www. Lindt. com: http://www. lindt. com/swf/eng/company/social-responsibility/lindts-sustainable-cocoa-supply-chain/ Koffi, C. (2008, November 7). Ivory Coast women defy taboos. Retrieved November 11, 2012, from iol News: http://www. iol. co. za/news/africa/ivory-coast-women-defy-taboos-1. 423405

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

One Sheep, Two Sheep, One Fish, Two Fish . . .

One Sheep, Two Sheep, One Fish, Two Fish . . . One Sheep, Two Sheep, One Fish, Two Fish . . . One Sheep, Two Sheep, One Fish, Two Fish . . . By Simon Kewin What do a sheep, a cannon and an aircraft have in common? The answer is that they all usually use the same word whether they are in the singular or the plural. If you have one sheep and then you acquire a second sheep, you now have two sheep, not two sheeps.   Other words exhibit this strange behaviour too, often other sorts of animal. For example, bison, deer, moose, pike and swine all usually use the same word for their singular and their plural. So, strictly speaking, it would be incorrect to refer to several bisons, deers, mooses, pikes or swines.   I say usually because this rather illogical rule is quite commonly broken and more regular plural forms do creep in for some of these words. Its actually quite common for people to refer to cannons for example. The Compact Oxford Dictionary says that the plural of cannon is only usually the same† so that, in fact, cannons is more and more acceptable.   The process has gone further with other words. For both salmon and trout, for example, the OED now says that either form of plural is equally acceptable. You can say three salmon or three salmons, although many people would still find three salmon preferable. Similarly, the Merriam-Webster dictionary lists both deers and pikes as acceptable plural forms. The Compact Oxford Dictionary, meanwhile, still says that the correct plural for the word pike (meaning the type of fish) is pike. But, as if to illustrate how illogical this is, the plural of the word pike when it refers to the weapon is regular : pikes.   This is another area where there will be disagreement among writers. On the one hand, â€Å"two cannon† is strictly correct but, on the other hand, â€Å"two cannons† is now a common usage and one which is, after all, perfectly clear in its meaning.   Footnote : fish and fishes is an interesting case. Both the Oxford and the Merriam-Webster dictionaries say that the plural of fish can be either fish or fishes. In fact, the two plural words are often used to refer to different things. As the Oxford dictionary explains :   The normal plural of fish is fish, as in â€Å"he caught two huge fish†; however the older form fishes is still used when referring to different kinds of fish: â€Å"freshwater fishes of the British Isles†.   So you use fish when referring to more than one fish of the same type and fishes when referring to multiple fish of different types. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Homograph Examples3 Cases of Complicated Hyphenation50 Synonyms for â€Å"Villain†

Monday, October 21, 2019

Major General Sir Isaac Brock in the War of 1812

Major General Sir Isaac Brock in the War of 1812 The eighth son of a middle class family, Isaac Brock was born in St. Peter Port, Guernsey on October 6, 1769 to John Brock, formerly of the Royal Navy, and Elizabeth de Lisle. Though a strong student, his formal education was brief and included schooling in Southampton and Rotterdam. Appreciative of education and learning, he spent much of his later life working to improve his knowledge. During his early years, Brock also became known as a strong athlete who was particularly gifted at boxer and swimming. Early Service At the age of fifteen, Brock decided to pursue a military career and on March 8, 1785 purchased a commission as an ensign in the 8th Regiment of Foot. Joining his brother in the regiment, he proved a capable soldier and in 1790 was able to purchase a promotion to lieutenant. In this role he worked hard to raise his own company of soldiers and was finally successful a year later. Promoted to captain on January 27, 1791, he received command of the independent company that he had created. Shortly thereafter, Brock and his men were transferred to the 49th Regiment of Foot. In his early days with the regiment, he earned the respect of his fellow officers when he stood up to another officer who was a bully and prone to challenging others to duels. After a sojourn with the regiment to the Caribbean during which he fell critically ill, Brock returned to Britain in 1793 and was assigned to recruiting duty. Two years later he purchased a commission as a major before rejoining the 49th in 1796. In October 1797, Brock benefited when his superior was compelled to leave the service or face a court-martial. As a result, Brock was able to purchase the lieutenant colonelcy of the regiment at a reduced price. Fighting in Europe In 1798, Brock became the effective commander of the regiment with the retirement of Lieutenant Colonel Frederick Keppel. The following year, Brocks command received orders to join Lieutenant General Sir Ralph Abercrombys expedition against the Batavian Republic. Brock first saw combat at the Battle of Krabbendam on September 10, 1799, though the regiment was not heavily engaged in the fighting. A month later, he distinguished himself at the Battle of Egmont-op-Zee while fighting under Major General Sir John Moore.   Advancing over difficult terrain outside of the town, the 49th and British forces were under constant fire from French sharpshooters. In the course of the engagement, Brock was struck in the throat by a spent musket ball but quickly recovered to continue leading his men. Writing of the incident, commented, I got knocked down shortly after the enemy began to retreat, but never quitted the field, and returned to my duty in less than half an hour. Two years later, Brock and his men embarked aboard Captain Thomas Fremantles HMS Ganges (74 guns) for operations against the Danes and were present at the Battle of Copenhagen. Originally brought on board for use in assaulting the Danish forts around the city, Brocks men were not needed in the wake of Vice Admiral Lord Horatio Nelsons victory. Assignment to Canada With fighting quieting in Europe, the 49th was transferred to Canada in 1802. Arriving, he was initially assigned to Montreal where he was forced to deal with problems of desertion. On one occasion, he violated the American border to recover a group of deserters. Brocks early days in Canada also saw him prevent a mutiny at Fort George. Having received word that members of the garrison intended to imprison their officers before fleeing to the United States, he made an immediate visit to the post and had the ringleaders arrested. Promoted to colonel in October 1805, he took a brief leave to Britain that winter. Preparing for War With tensions between the United States and Britain rising, Brock began efforts to improve Canadas defenses. To this end he oversaw improvements to the fortifications at Quebec and improved the Provincial Marine which was responsible for transporting troops and supplies on the Great Lakes. Though appointed brigadier general in 1807 by Governor General Sir James Henry Craig, Brock was frustrated by a lack of supplies and support. This feeling was compounded by a general unhappiness with being posted to Canada when his comrades in Europe were gaining glory by fighting Napoleon. Wishing to return to Europe, he sent several requests for reassignment. In 1810, Brock was given command of all British force in Upper Canada. The following June saw him promoted to major general and with the departure of Lieutenant Governor Francis Gore that October, he was made the administrator for Upper Canada giving him civil as well as military powers. In this role he worked to alter the militia act to expand his forces and began building relationships with Native American leaders such as the Shawnee chief Tecumseh. Finally granted permission to return to Europe in 1812, he declined as war was looming. The War of 1812 Begins With the outbreak of the War of 1812 that June, Brock felt that British military fortunes were bleak. In Upper Canada, he possessed only 1,200 regulars which were supported by around 11,000 militia. As he doubted the loyalty of many Canadians, he believed only around 4,000 of the latter group would be willing to fight. Despite this outlook, Brock quickly sent word to Captain Charles Roberts at St. John Island in Lake Huron to move against nearby Fort Mackinac at his discretion. Roberts succeeded in capturing the American fort which aided in gaining support from the Native Americans. Triumph at Detroit Wishing to build on this success, Brock was thwarted by Governor General George Prevost who desired a purely defensive approach. On July 12, an American force led by Major General William Hull moved from Detroit into Canada. Though the Americans quickly withdrew to Detroit, the incursion provided Brock with justification for going on the offensive. Moving with around 300 regulars and 400 militia, Brock reached Amherstburg on August 13 where he was joined by Tecumseh and approximately 600-800 Native Americans. As British forces had succeeded in capturing Hulls correspondence, Brock was aware that the Americans were short on supplies and scared of attacks by the Native Americans. Despite being badly outnumbered, Brock emplaced artillery on the Canadian side of the Detroit River and began bombarding Fort Detroit. He also employed a variety of tricks to convince Hull that his force was larger than it was, while also parading his Native American allies to induce terror. On August 15, Brock demanded that Hull surrender. This was initially refused and Brock prepared to lay siege to the fort. Continuing his various ruses, he was surprised the next day when the elderly Hull agreed to turn over the garrison. A stunning victory, the fall of Detroit secured that area of the frontier and saw the British capture a large supply of weapons which were needed for arming the Canadian militia. Death at Queenston Heights That fall Brock was forced to race east as an American army under Major General Stephen van Rensselaer threatened to invade across the Niagara River. On October 13, the Americans opened the Battle of Queenston Heights when they began shifting troops across the river. Fighting their way ashore they moved against a British artillery position on the heights. Arriving on the scene, Brock was forced to flee when American troops overran the position. Sending a message to Major General Roger Hale Sheaffe at Fort George to bring reinforcements, Brock began rallying British troops in the area to retake the heights. Leading forward two companies of the 49th and two companies of York militia, Brock charged up the heights assisted by aide-de-camp Lieutenant Colonel John Macdonell. In the attack, Brock was struck in the chest and killed. Sheaffe later arrived and fought the battle to a victorious conclusion. In the wake of his death, over 5,000 attended his funeral and his body was buried at Fort George. His remains were later moved in 1824 to a monument in his honor that was constructed on Queenston Heights. Following damage to the monument in 1840, they were shifted to a larger monument on the same site in the 1850s.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Outline and Explain Beck’s Theory of the ‘Risk Society’ and Consider to What Extent it Provides an Adequate View of Contemporary Society The WritePass Journal

Outline and Explain Beck’s Theory of the ‘Risk Society’ and Consider to What Extent it Provides an Adequate View of Contemporary Society Abstract Outline and Explain Beck’s Theory of the ‘Risk Society’ and Consider to What Extent it Provides an Adequate View of Contemporary Society ) available from Turner, B (1994) Orientalism,   Postmodernism and Globalism. London:Routledge.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Jellyfish Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Jellyfish - Essay Example nd non-conventional information combined with the analytical framework of fuzzy logic that increasing trends of jellyfish abundance were identified to be 62% of the Large Marine Ecosystems (LME). Management and adaptation strategies see to the logical expansion to these articles. However, as with the limited research available on the number of jellyfish, the limited research on management focuses upon human interactions with jellyfish in a way to compensate for the lack of evidence and data. Most management of jellyfish populations is done in context with the fisheries, power generation and tourism industries and management in relationship to their impacts on ecosystems and vital food webs. This is obviously due to their great socio-economic impact hence it is more likely to be funded or pursued. ‘The jellyfish joyride: Causes, Consequences and Management response to a more gelatinous future’ by Richardson et al in 2009 provides a thorough table of management responses from the perspective of both ecosystem and human impacts but it is a brief outline. The recent book ‘Jellyfish Blooms’ devotes an entire chapter to management from a human interaction standpoint. Options presented in the book include: 1) prediction of impending jellyfish blooms via ‘early warning systems’ and appropriate countermeasures before outbursts; 2) Jellyfish Excluder for Towed fishing gear (see Figure 6.3); 3) physical and behavioral screens and barriers; 4) education of when it’s safe to swim to reduce encounters with jellyfish; and 5) modeling programs that predict the distribution of jellyfish so effective forecasts and warning systems can be put in place. Noteworthy is that both the articles and the research have a predominance of negativity toward jellyfish which cannot be denied. With synanthropic nature (Purcell, 2007) of jellyfish benefiting from human stressors including fishing, eutrophication and possibly global warming, these fierce ancient competitors pose

Friday, October 18, 2019

Early Byzantine and Christian Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Early Byzantine and Christian Art - Essay Example One painting that gives a certain interpretation to a piece of literature is called Dido Makes a Sacrifice and was painted to go along with Virgil’s Aeneid. This painting goes away from the passionate language that is used in the Virgil text and instead focuses on the importance of imperial sacrifice. This is because as the times change, so did the values of the people and therefore, the painters wished to accomplish something much different than Virgil. The painting itself features the emperor personified as a military leader and a powerful human being. One reason for this is that the emperor was viewed as the head of the Church as well, making him an important religious figure. There is also very little detail in the background of this painting, which gives the viewer the impression that nothing but the emperor matters. Virgil wished for this section of the text to show the passion that Dido had in her life, although this could be because Dido was depicted in a variety of di fferent manner, like â€Å"an enchantress, like Calypso; a temptress, like Eve; a seducer, like Cleopatra, or a mere adventuress in wait for a marriageable and warlike widower highly desirable for a defenceless female in the midst of barbarous neighbors† (Pease, 1927, P. 246). It was meant to show fire and emotion, but this painting takes this emotion out of the section and, therefore, it could possibly change the reading that someone would take of the actual text. This painting instead focuses on the positive traits of the emperor.

Blog Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Blog - Article Example This is symbolically a romantic experience and as seen it builds up the imaginations which follow. In most of the modern Hollywood films, the same is the case. Women are elements of romance and they motivate all what men do. This is clearer from the latest Vampire Diary series where everything happens motivated by romance around Elena Gilbert. There exists some difference between the old films and the new. You will realize that, the old films presumed the natural gender roles and women were only viewed as subservient persons there for a man’s pleasure and taking care of the family. In â€Å"Octavian Saint Laurent from Paris is Burning Documentary†, she believes in the provocative ideologies as a means to reach men’s hearts. This is not the case in the modern movies where the women are depicted to be very dynamic characters who believe that whatever a man can do, a woman can threefold or more and do it in a match better way. Look at a modern movie of â€Å"Mr. and Mrs. Smith†. Both are detectives and they do their jobs equally well. The woman presented here is of independent character. Earlier in times, women were very uncommon in arts and films. They were literary ignored and this something which they did not like. However, despite the fact that there were women who were artist in old days, their efforts were also trivialized and this why history has a few number of great women artists. This concern prompted Linda Nochlin to write an essay that brought a revolution in the art and film industry as far as women are concerned. She asked the big question as to why there are no female artists in history and then people began to think (Druckman 26). One of the impacts of her work is that it led to artistic liberation of all women who were interested into joining the arts and film industries. A feminist arts movement was established to champion for the rights of women in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Media Ethics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Media Ethics - Case Study Example The media house’s reporter went ahead and released the story on Ashe’s health condition overseas prior to Ashe’s consent which forced the athlete to publicly admit his health condition when he was not yet prepared. The actions of the reporter were not in line with how journalists even back them ought to have conducted themselves especially in regards to moral and ethical duties as a major newspaper like USA Today. The chief ethical issue that arose out of this case had to do with the reporter’s express refusal to wait a little longer before publishing the story. The reason that he gave for doing exactly this was that the public needed to get to know this information. These actions of the reporter did not serve any level of good informative justice to Arthur Ashe (Foreman, 2010). There are various ethical facts that a reporter or journalist has to take into consideration before making an ethical decision as regards to Arthur Ashe’s case. One thing that we have to consider also is that the athlete put himself out there in the public domain the moment he decided to be a professional tennis player and become one of the leading opponents of the South African apartheid regime. A journalist could have therefore argued that a person of such social standing could be appropriately considered as a celebrity and social icon (Foreman, 2010). The other fact that had to be considered was that Ashe being an athlete, he had connections and obligations to his sponsors or some media outlets. This therefore means that he was contractually obligated to maintain a specific image. All these factors mean that he had to maintain some form of responsibility to his sponsors and fans in social and economic terms as well. The person to whom a journalist is responsible to will always tend to change depending on the circumstance. Journalists always tend to state that they are ultimately

Truth-in-Sentencing Laws in the US Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Truth-in-Sentencing Laws in the US - Term Paper Example Truth in sentencing laws was enacted in the U.S. to reduce the chances of early release from incarceration. Schmallenger (2011) points out that the law requires criminals to serve a substantial portion of the prison sentence imposed by the court before they can be allowed to leave the prison peripheries. The question that many ask relate to whether this kind of law is capable of deterring crime or not? Proponents of the law argue that truth in sentencing can help deter crime in a big way. Firstly, it is argued that locking offenders in prisons for a substantial period of time enhances public safety by deterring crime (Owens, 2010). This is because it prevents the offenders from engaging in criminal acts through incapacitation as they are locked. The locking incapacitates them as they are denied the freedom to move out and engage in criminal activities. This helps in deterring crime a great deal. Incarceration of offenders also prevents inmates from coordinating criminal activities wi th others who have not put in prison. Research shows that one means that criminals use to organize their criminal activities is through communication. This implies that denying a criminal the freedom to communicate and organize criminal acts is one way of addressing the issue of crime. This element has been made possible since the enactment of the truth in sentencing by ensuring that criminals are kept in prison for quite some time until they reform, thereby deterring crime. Truth in sentencing is not only meant to keep inmates in prison but also acts as a rehabilitation measure where inmates are being educated and counseled so as to become good people once they complete their sentences. This helps a great deal in deterring crime. Similarly, truth in sentencing deters would-be-offenders from engaging in criminal activities. This is because, they are aware that engaging in criminal activities may land them in jail where they would spend a substantial portion of their lives in prison, which no one would want. This helps in deterring crime (Owens, 2010). Truth in sentencing also deters crime due to the fact that it creates certainty of the punishment that one receives as a result of being incarcerated.  

Personal Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal Plan - Essay Example Such a culture would provide room for innovation and creativity. The work schedule in such a culture would be convenient and suitable for individual employees. An ideal workplace culture would be the one in which goals, jobs, and expectations are clear. The management would be considerate and there would not be clashing demands. The culture would provide a supportive environment and encourage personal development and feedback. It would be a stable environment and one that provides for recognition of effort and celebration of success. Employees would enjoy working in such a workplace (Lawler & Thye, 2006). I think there is a relationship between effective study habits and techniques and being successful in such work cultures. Motivating oneself to study by setting goals would inculcate personal discipline that is crucial for success in the workplace. Timetabling or charting one’s time usage teaches how to manage, effectively, time even when in the workplace. Effective listening skills are useful to students and they go a long way to determining how the individual will get along with seniors and colleagues in the workplace. Participating in-group discussions equips individuals with skills necessary for teamwork that is an important factor influencing success at the workplace. Taking breaks is an effective study technique, is also needed for success in the workplace because it allows individuals to reenergize and refresh, and prevents burn out (Lawler & Thye, 2006). My blind spots help me identify how it would feel working in a particular workplace. Some workplaces elicit strong negative reactions while others elicit strong positive reactions. I consider working in the latter and avoid the former. One of my strengths is optimism and I consider working in a place that will help me live positively. Self-motivation is my strength and I look forward to working in a

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Understanding Challenges In The Third Sector Essay - 1

Understanding Challenges In The Third Sector - Essay Example Hence, the third sector became a really interesting model for me to study and I learned how the entity succeed to survive when I worked as a volunteer with them. The organization I opted for this portfolio is a community organization St. Elizabeth’s, which manages children, youngsters, and adults within its school, college, and residential care home respectively. While becoming part of St. Elizabeth’s I realized that they work to support the needy with their problems. They were supported by charitable works and people like me volunteered there, hence, making it part of the third sector. Moreover, it also positively support the economy by providing employments and working opportunities to individuals like me who want to return something to their society. St Elizabeth’s is a traditional organization which was established in 1903 and has a history of more than 100 years. I learned that organization first charitable work was done by the Congregation of the Daughters of the Cross of Liege (the Congregation). During my volunteer work I also realized that they were a Roman Catholic religion based congregation, which was founded in 1833. However, over the period of time St Elizabeth’s has evolved and managed superior developments which cater to vulnerable people with disorders. Every institute operates to fulfill the goals, similarly, I comprehended that St Elizabeth’s also has its organizational goals and they focused towards achieving them. While working there as a volunteer; I noticed that the goal is to share care and compassion with every individual which require it the most. Hence, St Elizabeth’s was treating as much people as possible to overcome their learning disabilities. It plays a strong role as a NGO and has the support from the public sector. I think that there should be more organizations like St. Elizabeth’s working for the betterment of people with learning

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Personal Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal Plan - Essay Example Such a culture would provide room for innovation and creativity. The work schedule in such a culture would be convenient and suitable for individual employees. An ideal workplace culture would be the one in which goals, jobs, and expectations are clear. The management would be considerate and there would not be clashing demands. The culture would provide a supportive environment and encourage personal development and feedback. It would be a stable environment and one that provides for recognition of effort and celebration of success. Employees would enjoy working in such a workplace (Lawler & Thye, 2006). I think there is a relationship between effective study habits and techniques and being successful in such work cultures. Motivating oneself to study by setting goals would inculcate personal discipline that is crucial for success in the workplace. Timetabling or charting one’s time usage teaches how to manage, effectively, time even when in the workplace. Effective listening skills are useful to students and they go a long way to determining how the individual will get along with seniors and colleagues in the workplace. Participating in-group discussions equips individuals with skills necessary for teamwork that is an important factor influencing success at the workplace. Taking breaks is an effective study technique, is also needed for success in the workplace because it allows individuals to reenergize and refresh, and prevents burn out (Lawler & Thye, 2006). My blind spots help me identify how it would feel working in a particular workplace. Some workplaces elicit strong negative reactions while others elicit strong positive reactions. I consider working in the latter and avoid the former. One of my strengths is optimism and I consider working in a place that will help me live positively. Self-motivation is my strength and I look forward to working in a

Joseph Rudyard Kipling Essay Example for Free

Joseph Rudyard Kipling Essay The study room was surprisingly empty. The door was crying out for some one to come open it. The papers lying on the table were rustling out loud, almost as if giving a signal to use them. Beside were pens lying and whispering for someone to pick them up. The chair was looming for someone to come and use it for comfort. Slowly the door opens with a crack. There, enters a man: always with a look of confidence and pride showing away to everyone. A man loved by everyone for his work which was presented to the public. This person was none other then Kipling: a poet, novelist and not to forget an imperialist. The time period was around the 18th century when British established their rule over India. Another term for taking over was known as IMPERIALSIM: when a strong nation like British takes over a weaker region like India. Once they take over, they dominate the regions politically, economically and culturally (Imperialism 8). As every country wants to keep their own culture and have their own rule, India was against British rule. The only people who supported them were the Sikhs. When countries took over foreign lands, they expected the natives to practice their culture inferior to their own (Imperialism 9). This was called the white mans burden. Later on there was a popular poem named the same written by Kipling. Joseph Rudyard Kipling was a blessed child born to be an English writer and a Nobel Prize winner to John Lockwood Kipling: an artist, a scholar and a capable writer, and to Alice Macdonald. Kipling was a man who wrote novels, poems, and short stories, mostly set in India and Burma (now known as Myanmar) during the time of British rule. He was born on December 30, 1865 in Mumbai, India. His first name Joseph which was never used as it was his fathers father name, except for his baptism in the cathedral. His second name Rudyard was named after the place, Rudyard River where his father and mother first met. As a child of a rich family, he never got the tender love and playing time with mother like most middle or low class children would. Instead he was bought up by an ayah. As being raised by native servants meant affection and intimacy, and that intimacy meant, above all, that he learned their language, Hindustani (Rudyard Kipling 19). He was sent to England for better education at the age of six to a foster home. There he received unkind treatment which he later expressed in the short story Baa Baa Black Sheep in the novel The Light That Failed. At the age of 13, Kipling entered Services College: an institution specialized in training for entry into military academies. Unfortunately his poor eyesight and other factors shredded his hopes for a military career. He returned to India at the age of sixteen. In 1882 he started working as a journalist in Lahore for the Civil and Military Gazette: a local newspaper where he wrote and edited short stories. Gazette was an excellent way of building up the knowledge of India that was going to make him as a writer (Rudyard Kipling 42). In 1887 he was promoted to the staff of the Allahabad paper, Pioneer: a sister paper with much higher standard then the Gazette as an assistant editor. India and Kipling had been made for each other. She gave him what no other English writer was ever to experience in comparable fullness and intensity; .. As her mark was set on him for life: with the exception of some travel pieces, seven or eight stories and a few dozen poems all his best work reflects or remembers India (Rudyard Kipling 52). This statement shows us that he had a passion for India: all the colors and sounds and smells made an impression on him that was distinctive as well as deep (Rudyard Kipling 20). Almost every novel he wrote, short stories or poems were all connected to the life he spent in India. He loved his child hood days he spent in India give me the first six years of a childs life and you can have the rest (Something of myself). His novels described the setting (India) very well especially, its beauty as a country, the culture and the distinct features it has as a diverse country. Kipling was an imperialist. He believed it was right and proper for Britain to own India and rule the people (www. english-literature. com). He accepted the Empire as it stood and he approved the annexation of Upper Burma (Rudyard Kipling 52). He was one of the few people who approved the right of British to rule India. He wrote books and poem supporting the fact that British has the right to rule. Famous poem was the white mans burden and a popular novel named KIM. It is a novel that embodies his attitude towards British rule in India which these days are wholly unacceptable and unpalatable (www. english-literature. com). Even though he resided in India and was an Anglo-Indian he still supported British. Though he considerable colonial experience in India as well as sympathy for Asians, his writing clearly reflects the British and imperial attitude (Rudyard Kipling 67). Enough comments were made about the novel KIM such as a master work of imperialism .. Rich and absolutely fascinating. But nevertheless profoundly embarrassing novel (Edward, www. english-literature. com). Kipling is the man who is remembered for his celebration of British imperialism and heroism in India and Burma (Rudyard Kipling, 53). He is the man who is still remembered by everyone including kids by reading his wonderful work of writings written for us. Common examples are Jungle book, KIM, famous short stories such as Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, the Naulahka are to name a few. His love for India was incomparable to any Anglo-Indian, it shown in almost every novel which had a setting of India. Kipling should be as thankful to India as India should be thankful for him. Kipling introduced a new type of story and brought out the knowledge of India more to other people around the world by having it included in his stories. He made a difference in the world of writing by producing great novels such as Barrack-Room Ballads, etc. Kiplings life and work are extraordinary unlike those of any other English writer (Rudyard Kipling 1). He was the first Englishman to receive the Nobel Prize for literature. Kipling is man who left marks in the world of today by using his ability to remind about him and his works constantly. BIBLIOGRAPHY Book Amis, Kingsley Rudyard Kipling and his world. Great Britain, 1975 Handout given my Mr. Quan for Imperialism. Websites

Monday, October 14, 2019

Beiersdorf Ag And The Cosmetics Industry

Beiersdorf Ag And The Cosmetics Industry Beiersdorf AG (BDF), together with its subsidiaries, engages in the manufacture and distribution of branded consumer goods primarily in Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Australia. The company operates in two segments, Consumer and Tesa. The Consumer segment offers skin and beauty care products under the Labello, NIVEA, 84, la prairie, JUVENA, atrix, Eucerin, FUTURO, Hansaplast/Elastoplast, and Florena brand names. The consumer division represents over 80% of the companys total value sales. The Tesa segment engages in the development, production, and marketing of self-adhesive system and product solutions for industrial customers and consumers. Beiersdorf Aktiengesellschaft was founded in 1882 and is based in Hamburg, Germany. The group has around 17,300 employees and over 150 affiliates worldwide. Since 2003, the company has been part of the Tchibo Group. The group recorded revenues of 5,120 million during the fiscal year ended December 2006, an increase of 7.2% over 2005. The operating profit of the group was 477 million during fiscal year 2006, a decline of 15.8% over 2005. The net profit was 664 million in fiscal year 2006, an increase of 99.4% over 2005. This report analyses the economic aspects of the business of cosmetics and the consumer segment of Beiersdorf AG. 2. Introduction In 2006, the cosmetics and toiletries industry posted $163 billion, a growth rate of more than 5% over 2005 $155 billion. Euromonitor International forecasts average annual growth of 3% to reach global sales of more than $313 billion by 2011. (GCI, 2007). The industry continues to benefit from a combination of strong macroeconomic trends (including a worldwide rise in consumer spending power); key demographic factors such as aging populations and higher life expectancies; an increased interest in appearance and personal care as a means of preventive healthcare; and lifestyle and climatic changes that are creating opportunities for new product niches. Legislative restrictions are having a positive impact by improving consumer confidence and facilitating international trade, and technological advances are improving product efficacy and providing manufacturers with new marketing tools and advertising opportunities. 3. Competition and Markets Microeconomics: Porters 5 Forces Based on Porters five forces model which determines the intensity of the industry competition and profitability (Porter 1980, p3), Beiersdorf has an advantage in the cosmetics industry; their heritage and unmatched leadership in skin care through NIVEA has created an immediate stronghold over its competitors in the industry as well as differentiation. However the threat of substitute products and services could affect Beiersdorfs popularity. Threat of New Entrants Medium A large number of firms differentiate their products and maintain a certain degree of control over their pricing. This monopolistic competition has relatively low barriers to entry and exit. Government regulation, mostly related to safety issues, and distribution channels appear to be the most significant barriers to entry in the cosmetics industry. Beiersdorf has the advantage of economies of scale, an established supply and distribution channels and high product differentiation, to compete and have an incumbent advantage. The capital requirements of entry, customer and supplier loyalty, legislation, and retaliation are moderate, which indicate that a new entrant is hindered to enter the market and compete. To stay competitive, Beiersdorf needs to continually innovate. Threat of Substitutes High The risk of product-for-product substitution is high as equivalent product benefits are available both in generic and branded form. Beiersdorf has contended with this risk by continuous innovation and introducing unique formulations across global markets. Beiersdorf has worked to expand its presence in the global personal care market by promoting its flagship brand NIVEA, which launched a global marketing campaign last summer that intends to cover 64 countries by mid-2008. To increase sales by presenting consumers with innovative new products, Beiersdorfs expenditure on RD rose 7.6 per cent to 127m in 2007 and this investment is expected to help the company launch successful new products in the years ahead (Cosmetics Design, 2007). Bargaining Power of Buyers Medium Buyer (customer) concentration is moderate as product differentiation and distributed markets ensure relative price differences that ensure profitability. This indicates reduced bargaining power of the buyers. Loyalty to Beiersdorfs products is relatively high and the cost of switching buyers is medium. The risk of supplier acquired by the buyer is less as the products are proprietary formulations. Beiersdorf also differentiates through choice and first to market innovation. As such, they should be unwilling to accept compromises on quality. This will also be true for emerging economies, where, as they develop and innovation becomes a competitive differentiator, buyers will be less willing to compromise on quality. Bargaining Power of Suppliers Medium Ingredients are individually sourced from suppliers and blending them into unique proprietary products has traditionally been Beiersdorfs primary strength. Suppliers concentration is high with the added risk of buyer being acquired by the supplier. However, the cost of switching suppliers is moderate and overall, suppliers increasing costs is less impactful on the profitability. Competitive Rivalry High Despite an unfavourable environment in Beiersdorfs key region of Western Europe, the company has managed to consistently outperform global sales of cosmetics and toiletries over the review period and by one percentage point in 2006. Beiersdorfs global sales growth (6%) is above that of its direct competitors Procter Gamble and Unilever, although LOr al outperformed by one percentage point. However, like LOreal and other major global players, much of this growth is derived from emerging markets. This performance tends to demonstrate that Beiersdorfs growth strategy is successful. However, the degree by which Beiersdorf outstripped overall sales has lessened. It is essential for Beiersdorf to continually invest in RD to maintain their competitive differentiation and profitability. The recent revision of Beiersdorfs growth strategy indicates that the company identified the right targets for growth, both at product category level, such as with a focus on mens grooming products, and at a geographical level. The slight departure from the previous focus on North America seems wise, as sales in this region are forecast to remain sluggish over the period 2006-2011. On the other hand, increased efforts to launch Beiersdorfs brands in high-growth countries such as China and Russia should prove very beneficial. 4. Market demand and understanding the consumer The law of diminishing marginal utility holds for the cosmetics sector. A shift in the demand curve will be seen as a result of changes in demand due to factors other than price, such as increases in consumer income, changes in taxes on the product, changes in price or availability of competing products, and changes in expectations of future prices (Wilkinson 2005, p.82). Various elasticity concepts, including own price elasticity, income, advertising and cross-price elasticises of demand as well as consumer indifference curves are very important to the company as they influence the pricing and advertising strategies (Jones 2004, p.98). The demand curve for Beiersdorfs portfolio can be expressed as D1, displayed in Figure 3. P1Q1 represents the market equilibrium point for quantity and demand for the pricing strategy. Beiersdorf expansion of its market share in 2007 by focusing on product innovation and emerging markets with a special focus on the Chinese market was supported by high sales of Nivea Visage and Nivea for Men, and sales in China increased 45.1 per cent in 2007 contributing to a 7.6 per cent rise in the companys turnover to 5.5bn, indicated by an outward shift in the demand curve from D1 to D2. At this price point, quantity sold was higher (P2Q2). Sales were up 12.8 per cent and the jump in profits was also due to the companys logistics and production revamp, which has centred on its hair and skin care operation in Europe during the past two years. Thus, the demand curve may well have sloped more sharply upwards than it appears in Figure 3. This raises the equilibrium quantity from Q1 to the higher Q2. These curves demonstrate that Beiersdorfs overall revenue has grown considerably from 2006. In its financial results for 2007 the company reported sales of 5.5bn for the fiscal year, which adjusting for currency translated into a 9.1 per cent increase on 2006. Also, Beiersdorfs growth is driven by advertising and promotion, alongside heavy research and development investments. Faced with growing maturity in its key market Western Europe, Beiersdorf has not limited its growth strategy to product innovation. In addition, the company is focusing on alternative retail channels. 5. Market supply and understanding the companys costs Market supply is the aggregate of individual firm supply, determined by factors affecting firm supply. The market supply function for a product is a statement of the relation between the quantity supplied and all factors affecting that quantity (Hirschey 2005, p.110). With the dual aim of halving working capital requirements and saving costs, the Company embarked on a restructuring of its supply chain in 2005. Originally managed locally, all major supply chain processes, including planning, sourcing, production, delivery and returns are now moving towards more central management. Processes are being optimised, in order to reduce the time-to-market for new products, and products and processes are being standardised as much as possible to achieve economies of scale. In Europe, Beiersdorf has already adapted its production sites and logistics centres to reflect actual demand and has reduced overcapacity. For example, early 2007, the company sold its production and logistics facilities in France, as well as its Hamburg-based logistics centre and its Heitersheim-based soap factory both in Germany. In Asia, Beiersdorf conducted an in-depth analysis of its product and supply chain during 2006. It is expected to roll out its Asia restructuring plan in 2008. Meanwhile, on the back of beneficial business tax reform net profit leapt to 132m from 74m in 2006. Although Beiersdorf began to focus a large part of its efforts into strengthening its position in high-growth regions such as Eastern Europe, Latin America and Asia-Pacific, the company is behind many other international manufacturers. Many players identified the same areas as key targets over the last few years. Without first-mover advantage, Beiersdorf will have to match its competitors in terms of distribution, price and product support in order to reach new customers. 6. Market analysis, failure and responses Market failure is the situation where the market mechanism fails to allocate resources efficiently (Wilkinson 2005, p.473). There are a number of reasons why market failure might occur: inefficiencies, imperfect competition due to oligopoly in the cosmetics market, external economies and diseconomies of production, pure private and pure public goods; and government intervention in the form of taxation and subsidies to try and restore social equity while exercising other options such as legal measures and persuasion. Annual sales growth in the cosmetics and toiletries market has fallen gradually from 21.2 per cent in 2002 to 11.3 per cent last year to $20.9bn. Overall growth figures are slowing as the market matures although breaking down the figures suggests high double-digit growth is still achievable in the market for more sophisticated products. Picking out two categories for comparison, premium cosmetics sales increased 15 per cent last year whereas deodorant sales grew by only 8.2 per cent (Cosmetics Design, 2008). Beiersdorf should achieve growth figures in Central and Eastern Europe with targeted growing niches and expanded market share. In addition, Beiersdorf paid 269.45m in October for an 85 per cent stake in China-based C-Bons Hair Care, which owns the Slek and Maestro brands (Cosmetics Design, 2007). This will significantly strengthen Beiersdorfs market share in China. 7. Market structures and company strategies Economists classify market structures into four main types: perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly (Wilkinson 2005, p.313). The cosmetics business is an oligopoly. With competitors such as Unilever, LOreal, Proctor and Gamble, Avon, Est e Lauder Cosmetics, and other large corporations, Beiersdorf attempts to maintain a technological superiority through path-breaking innovations and their highly successful soft-sell techniques. The constant research and development of cosmetics, combined with the universal human desire to look the best they can, suggests that the industry has great potential. The strategies used by Beiersdorf are an attempt to differentiate itself from other competitors in the industry. Despite an unfavourable environment Beiersdorfs global sales growth (6%) is above that of its direct competitors Procter Gamble and Unilever, although LOreal outperformed by one percentage point. This performance tends to demonstrate that Beiersdorfs growth strategy is successful. The recent revision of Beiersdorfs growth strategy indicates that the company identified the right targets for growth, both at product category level, such as with a focus on mens grooming products, and at a geographical level. The slight departure from the previous focus on North America seems wise, as sales in this region are forecast to remain sluggish over the period 2006-2011. On the other hand, increased efforts to launch Beiersdorfs brands in high-growth countries such as China and Russia should prove very beneficial. 8. Economic output and national wealth Economic output is measured with actual growth and potential growth. Actual growth may be defined as the actual annual increase in national product or real GDP per annum, normally expressed as a percentage or on a per capita basis. In contrast, potential growth is the annual increase in a countrys productive capability. Actual growth may fall short of potential growth if the economy is working at less than full capacity, which is if it works within its production possibility frontier. Economic growth is perceived to be desirable since higher growth benefits the population of the country. However, high shorter term economic growth using non-renewable resources, causes slow long term growth. Cosmetics industry contributes positively to the GDP due to its manufacturing activity. Beiersdorfs products are manufactured across the world and in all its major markets it has manufacturing facilities or agreements with affiliates. Beiersdorf also supports beauty salons and massage parlours with its professional products and thus indirectly supports local economies. 9. Economic growth and business cycles The global economy recorded sound growth in the early part of 2007. However, in late summer the ongoing slowdown on the U.S. real estate market triggered fears regarding the creditworthiness of financial market products and institutions in the U.S.A. and Europe. U.S. monetary policymakers moved to counter rising cyclical risks by cutting interest rates. Nevertheless, the drop in real estate prices, rising default rates for mortgage loans, and the jump in jobless rates at the end of the year led to a market slowdown in the growth of U.S. consumer spending and hence in the economy as a whole. Against this background, the U.S. dollar came under strong pressure in the second half of 2007. In addition, the euro appreciated significantly against the yen, impacting the international competitiveness of European companies. Continental European economies were dominated by robust growth in exports and investments and further improvements on the job market, but were impacted by an increase in inflation risks, fuelled by rocketing prices for oil, energy, and food. Figure 7: Inflation in 2007 Source: Beiersdorf Annual Report, 2007 The ongoing rapid expansions of the Chinese market, where growth rates are at about 12%, continue to offer sales opportunities for European producers. At the same time, Chinas growing demand for raw materials led to price rises on the global commodities markets. Although Continental Asian countries saw dynamic development, Japanese growth is below expectations. In Latin America, growth remained stable at around 5% in 2007, while in Eastern Europe it was 6%. Business cycles effect on Beiersdorf, as a factor of investment and consumer spend on goods and services, is limited as its products cater to virtually every age-group among consumers and its flagship brand NIVEA and its extensions as an umbrella brand have gained immense value and loyalty. It is true that mass-market cosmetics are not essential for life, however, the relative low-cost of the products, and the heavy reliance on image enhancement, especially in women, prompt that cosmetics would not be the first items to be forsaken in time of economic hardship. This makes the industry more resistant to recessions and other economic downturns. 10. Capital accumulation and technological progress In addition to Beiersdorfs acquisitions, the investments in operating activities amounted to 106 million relating to intangible assets and property, plant, and equipment in 2007. Innovative product development is a strategic factor at Beiersdorf for ensuring competitive strength and group growth, based on over 80 years of research and development. In 2007, the company spent 127 million on research and development (2.3% of sales). On a global level, 870 members of staff without C-BONS Hair Care are employed in research and development. 11. Labour markets and unemployment Though unemployment is creeping, unbridled inflation has played havoc with commodity prices and interest rate turbulence. This can lead to loss of jobs as companies may trim their expenses in an effort to counter inflation. Beiersdorf enjoys a healthy growth rate of over 6% against the industry growth of 4% average. There is no threat of unemployment and labour market issues for Beiersdorf due to its unassailable market share and brand loyalty across the world. The resilience of the economy could be impacted by unemployment, but is unlikely to directly impact demand for Beiersdorfs products, due to its strong heritage and the NIVEA brand pull. 12. Role of government and fiscal policy Government expenditure and taxation is the basis for fiscal policy. Cosmetics are regularly taxed and such taxes have a notional effect on demand of Beiersdorfs products. However, customs and import duties on raw materials and finished goods have an impact and the company appears to counter such effects with local manufacture and continued product innovations. 13. Role of government and monetary policy Since inflation and money supply determine the monetary policy, inflation is countered with a change in interest rates to affect a control on money supply. Beiersdorf indicates that currency, interest rate, and liquidity risks are subject to active treasury management. In most cases they are managed and hedged centrally. Derivative financial instruments serve solely to hedge operational activities and financial transactions essential to the business. The Company limits potential default risks relating to the investment of the Groups liquid funds by only making short-term investments with prime-rated counterparties. Consumer impact of monetary policy may affect spending on cosmetics. However, brand loyalty and preference for personal grooming offset any adverse impact. 14. Foundations of international trade The law of absolute advantage and the law of comparative advantage are the basis for international trade. Countries specialise in goods and services which they have the greatest aptitude for producing due to natural resource endowments, or because of the acquired skills of their workforce. These factors of production are largely immobile between countries so trade takes place in the goods which they produce. The terms of trade of a country might change as the result of a change in the composition of its exports or imports, or a change in the price of its exports or imports. For the former, businesses selling higher priced products such as software as opposed to low level manufactures would be one cause of an improvement in the terms of trade. This leads to the issue of free trade against protectionism, such as import tariffs, quotas, exchange controls, export subsidies and administrative barriers. Beiersdorf with 150 affiliates worldwide is a major player in international trade. It leverages inherent strength of each country it operates in and extends these advantages across its global markets. Beiersdorf projects that the consumer segment of its business will continue to enjoy growth of approximately 8 per cent due to its increased China focus, which is double the cosmetics market as a whole. China does not however carry the burden of delivering sales growth for the company alone and Russia, Brazil and India have been identified as fellow drivers for growth. This is more confident than the outlook of competitor LOreal which, on the back of recent results affected by the weak US dollar, pulled down its expectations for the full year to just under 6 per cent growth (Cosmetic Design, 2008). 15. Conclusion The cosmetics industry, business and market analysis, based on the 12 strands of the Grenoble syllabus, identify several important issues. Central to the planning and development of strategies within the business environment is based on an understanding and interpretation of micro- and macro-economic factors. Applying the above twelve economic factors to Beiersdorf performance, it is clear that market, governmental and global forces act upon the company, affecting strategic decisions. The business is consumer-oriented and market driven. Sustaining market share and ensuring growth in this free and highly competitive market requires continuous application of information analysis, strategic decision-making and rapid execution. Constant innovation, vast potential in emerging markets, maturing markets in Western Europe and US, varied preferences of consumers across global markets who also seek consistent quality and product standards, may result in dramatic shifts along the demand curve. An oligopoly, the cosmetics business thrives on capital accumulation and technological progress, ensured by economic growth, business cycles and international trade. Fiscal and monetary measures by the governments and labour issues influence the business to a limited extent. Beiersdorf is a successful global company in this sector and its growth and expansion over the decades indicates a healthy and competitive advantage.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Charlies Attempt to Overcome the Past in Fitzgeralds Babylon Revisited :: Babylon Revisited Essays

Charlie's Attempt to Overcome the Past in Fitzgerald's Babylon Revisited Babylon Revisited is made up of different characters with different ideologies in life. The Protagonist, Charlie is a reformed alcoholic who had come back to take his daughter. Marion is Charlie's sister- in - law who dislikes him because she thinks he caused her sister's death. I think Marion is emotionally disturbed. She overacts to things that happen in everyday life. Lincoln is Marion's husband .He tries to keep things as even as possible for Marion. Loraine and Duncan are ghosts from Charlie's past and they came to haunt him at the end of the story. We are always being haunted by our past sins and Misdemeanors. Even when we have been reformed, it takes a similar incident or someone appearing from the past to remind us of what we were before. I think Charlie is a strong Character. He was able to reform himself and stop drinking. This shows that he is strong. His coming back for his daughter proves that he is aware of his Civic responsibilities and he is ready to undertake them. There is a Strong bond between him and his daughter which is definitely a plus on his side. Charlie's journey to Paris to pick up his daughter reminds me of when I visited America. I stayed for one year before I went back for my Children. I had to get to know them again. I can relate to Charlie when he told Honoria "I want to get to Know you" (9).When you stay away from you children for sometime , you feel that they have grown so much and there is so much you don't know about them. Charlie had reasons to mistrust Marion .As Fitzgerald put it " Charlie became increasingly alarmed at leaving Honoria in this atmosphere of hostility against himself; sooner or later, it will come out in a word here, a shake of head there, and some of the distrust will be irrevocably implanted on Honoria"(13). It is not easy to leave your child with some one who you Know definitely does not like you. The father and Daughter bond is a strong bond and if it is destroyed at this early age it can become very difficult to restore it. Marion was very strongly biased against Charlie. Marion was ready to give Honoria back to the father until the appearance of Duncan and Lorraine.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ancient Egypt :: World History

Ancient Egypt The Egyptians were the first to make bread that is soft, light and filled with air. They also made the first ovens, because they need a different way to bake the larger mass of dough used for this new kind of bread. The Egyptians used mud bricks that have been dried in the sun to make houses. The sun is shining on our backs. In town ,we shall be paid fish for our barley. That was a song of Egyptian farmers , more than 3,000 year ago. Wall paintings in ancient tombs show farmers at work in their fields. The early Egyptians had hundreds of signs for words or for parts of words. Like other ancient people, the Egyptians often wrote on clay tablets or stone. It was from one such stone, the Rosetta Stone, that we learned ancient languages. Cheops was the name of a king in ancient Egypt who wanted a place to stay when he died. So he ordered his men to build a huge stone house in the shape of a pyramid. A pyramid looks somewhat like a giant tent. The base of this pyramid is almost big enough to fill ten football fields. Its peak is as high as a stairway with more than eight hundred stairs. Kings of Egypt used to be buried in great tombs with jewels and golden vases, and even thrones and chariots. The tombs had so many valuable things in them, that thieves used to break into them and steal their treasures. So later kings decided to hide their tombs. They left orders for their burials to be in a secret place called the Valley of the Kings. The graves were not to be marked. But, still, the jewels in golden vases and thrones and chariots were stolen. When historians checked it out they found out who stole the treasures, that’s right the men who were supposed to guard the tombs. The Great Sphinx The Great Sphinx was built almost 5,000 years ago , when Khafre was king of Egypt. It had a human head and a lions body. It stands 66 feet high and more than 240 feet long. Both head and body were carved from solid rock. The head of the Sphinx has been damaged more than once by people who destroy things on purpose. Over the centuries, desert sand storms have also warn away some of the stone. Ancient Egypt :: World History Ancient Egypt The Egyptians were the first to make bread that is soft, light and filled with air. They also made the first ovens, because they need a different way to bake the larger mass of dough used for this new kind of bread. The Egyptians used mud bricks that have been dried in the sun to make houses. The sun is shining on our backs. In town ,we shall be paid fish for our barley. That was a song of Egyptian farmers , more than 3,000 year ago. Wall paintings in ancient tombs show farmers at work in their fields. The early Egyptians had hundreds of signs for words or for parts of words. Like other ancient people, the Egyptians often wrote on clay tablets or stone. It was from one such stone, the Rosetta Stone, that we learned ancient languages. Cheops was the name of a king in ancient Egypt who wanted a place to stay when he died. So he ordered his men to build a huge stone house in the shape of a pyramid. A pyramid looks somewhat like a giant tent. The base of this pyramid is almost big enough to fill ten football fields. Its peak is as high as a stairway with more than eight hundred stairs. Kings of Egypt used to be buried in great tombs with jewels and golden vases, and even thrones and chariots. The tombs had so many valuable things in them, that thieves used to break into them and steal their treasures. So later kings decided to hide their tombs. They left orders for their burials to be in a secret place called the Valley of the Kings. The graves were not to be marked. But, still, the jewels in golden vases and thrones and chariots were stolen. When historians checked it out they found out who stole the treasures, that’s right the men who were supposed to guard the tombs. The Great Sphinx The Great Sphinx was built almost 5,000 years ago , when Khafre was king of Egypt. It had a human head and a lions body. It stands 66 feet high and more than 240 feet long. Both head and body were carved from solid rock. The head of the Sphinx has been damaged more than once by people who destroy things on purpose. Over the centuries, desert sand storms have also warn away some of the stone.

Friday, October 11, 2019

History of Mathematics Essay

â€Å"Mathematics – the unshaken Foundation of Sciences, and the plentiful Fountain of Advantage to human affairs. † (Barrow) Mathematics plays an integral function in our daily living since its conception, and we thank the great mathematicians for this essential tool. Mathematics has been used in various professions and academic fields. Undoubtedly, there have been many men of old that have contributed to the science of mathematics, but what really captivates our interest, are the ones who were passionate – who dedicated their lives to the study of mathematics; the originators of various fields of mathematics who displayed remarkable work. I have narrowed the list of the top three mathematicians who I have deemed worthy of being named the Greatest Mathematician based on: 1) passion, and 2) originality of outstanding work. A fitting decisive factor – passion explains how great mathematicians of old truly demonstrated their intense commitment to this science. They have dedicated their lives to practicing mathematics, down to their deaths. Historical accounts have described their deep interest in mathematical principles, persistence in solving problems and the ecstatic reaction of achievement when successful. It is their absolute love and pride for the science that we have come to respect. It is required that one follows specific mathematical principles and formulas in order to solve problems. This we take for granted, thus failing to appreciate the originality of these mathematicians. However, being original is what has shaped the history of mathematics. The past original work of great mathematicians has allowed for the development of new and/or advanced theories, formulas, and principles. Their mathematical discoveries have been used in many scientific disciplines such as physics and chemistry. It is therefore relevant that we explore the original work of these mathematical pioneers. Without a doubt, there are many great mathematicians of old; however, the mathematicians that I have chosen were, in my eye, truly passionate about their work, innovative, and overall, notable in advancing mathematical success. The three leading candidates I have chosen are: Archimedes, Blaise Pascal, and Isaac Newton. Archimedes – a well rounded Greek scholar – â€Å"made revolutionary discoveries in mathematics, physics and engineering. † (Kochman) Not much is known about his life; however, he was renowned for his passion, innovation, and work in mathematics. Archimedes was a passionate mathematician right down to his death. Archimedes was said to have a great amount of concentration when engaged in mathematical problems, to point where he would be unaware of the things happening around him. He would often avoid his food, bath and even be undressed until he was through with his work. He would even draw geometrical figures on any surface possible. His great passion for mathematics sadly led to his death. â€Å"Archimedes was so deep in thought that he was unaware the city was being looted by the Romans. He may not have even noticed the Roman soldier who approached him as he drew diagrams in the dirt. † (Hanson) It was reported that while deep in his mathematical work, Archimedes was disturbed by the soldier who then killed the mathematician with his sword. Archimedes passion for mathematics was him living and dying in mathematical thought. Archimedes was well-known for his original works in mechanical engineering, but he also made great contributions to mathematics. Archimedes was associated with the Method of Exhaustion, Method of Compression, and the Mechanical Method. Despite not creating some theories on his own, what made Archimedes original, was the fact that he would take â€Å"particular discoveries made by his predecessors†¦extending them in new directions. † (Cosimo Classics) A great example of this is his use of the Method of Exhaustion. He was the first person to use this method to estimate the area of a circle. As the creator of the Mechanical Method, he used it to find the area of a parabola, volume of a sphere, and the surface area of a sphere. He â€Å"produced several theorems that became widely known throughout the world. He is credited with producing some of the principles of calculus long before Newton and Leibniz. He worked out ways of squaring the circle and computing areas of several curved regions. His interest in mechanics is credited with influencing his mathematical reasoning, which he used in devising new mathematical theorems. He proved that the surface area and volume of a sphere are two-thirds that of its circumscribing cylinder. † (Archimedes) Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician who spent the majority of his short but remarkable life practicing mathematics. Pascal’s passion for mathematics was intertwined with his outstanding work in the field. Like Archimedes, he used the studies of his predecessors, but perfected it. This is with the cases of Pascal’s arithmetic triangle and the probability theory. Pascal’s passion for mathematics began from his pre-teen years. It has been claimed that the 12 year old Pascal was found playing with pieces of folded paper and later realized that the â€Å"sum of the angles in any triangle is equal to 180?. † (Gilbert and Gilbert) By age 14, he was actively involved with French mathematicians, and by 16, â€Å"he had established significant results in projective geometry, and began developing a calculator to facilitate his father’s work of auditing chaotic government tax records. † (Gilbert and Gilbert) He showed great passion when he spent 10 years of his life perfecting the Pascaline calculator, building over 50 versions. In spite of a near death experience which changed his course from a mathematician to a theologian, Pascal still had great passion for his first love – mathematics. According to historians, â€Å"Pascal suffered a toothache, which kept him awake at night. In an effort to take his mind off the pain he focused on the cycloid, the curve traced by a point on the circumference of a rolling circle. Pascal solved the problem of the area of any segment of the cycloid and the center of gravity of any segment. He also solved the problems of the volume and surface area of the solid of revolution formed by rotating the cycloid about the x-axis. †