Sunday, October 6, 2019

Power and Politics in Canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Power and Politics in Canada - Essay Example In addition, the Canadian Heritage oversees affairs relating to the royal family members’ visits in and outside Canada. The department of Canadian Heritage funds various native cultural objects namely languages, women’s programming, friendship centers, action Canada, arts presentation, scholarship for post-secondary students and language assistant part time package. The department also funds athletic activities, book publishing, broadcasting projects, multipurpose youth centers and museum initiatives. One of the Canadian Heritage Minister’s obligations would be to make provisions for funds in enabling institutions in other countries associated with Canadian national heritage. Also, institutions intending to purchase objects but for which export permits remain not granted would be funded by the department. Public funding follows the attainment of public authorities and designation of institutions requirements with a movable cultural property grant (Ivir, 2005). Ca nadian cultural objects remain significant in preserving Canadian traditions. Also, the activities for which public funding remains allocated have considerable contributions to the economic and social domains of the country’s economy. ... Furthermore, certain instances such as a sale from private entity and auction purchases may necessitate full funding after successful price negotiations have become achieved. Taking these requirements into consideration, it would be recommended that public funds be used to create and support Canadian cultural objects (Ivir, 2005). Canadian cultural heritage exists as a mosaic society continuously progressing into a more culturally assorted society under the influence of native Canadians as well as the Anglophone and francophone populaces. Constitutionally, the Canadian federal government shares the obligation for developing culture at the national level. In order to facilitate integrated planning and policy along with enhancing partnerships with Canada’s cultural society and the private sector in relation to cultural development, public funding for Canadian cultural objects becomes necessary. In addition, public funding would promote cultural involvement, encourage philanthrop y and voluntarism, and facilitate professional development and training in the arts. Most Canadian based arts establishments such as public galleries, museums and performing arts firms remain entirely nonprofit establishments thus making them eligible to become charitable establishments when tax considerations become considered (Ivir, 2005). Similarly, Canada’s corporate sponsorship for arts continues to grow dramatically in the previous decades thereby causing a proportionate increase in the demand for federal funding. However, only few foundations exist in Canada with the capability of supporting and developing arts activities. Additionally, the

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